08:00 The IADT opens
08:30 Delegates and members of the public start to arrive, coffee/juice (video talks)
09:00 Welcome address by Professor Rieutort, Director of the IADT in the lecture hall
09:05 The Forum moderator welcomes the delegates and presents the experts
09:15 Talk on eco-citizenship in high schools by Professor Rieutort
09:30 The delegates from Puy-de-Dôme give their talks
10:30 Break
10:45 Talk on water management by M. Nettleship, ecologist at the Ministère
11:00 The delegates from Haute-Loire give their talks
12:00 Picnic and informal discussion with students and professors in the Jardin Lecoq
13:00 Talk on international solidarity by M. Ha Duong, ecologist
13:15 The delegates from the Cantal give their talks
14:15 Talk on alternative-living communities by Mrs Sciuto, development worker
14:30 The delegates from the Allier give their talks
15:30 Talk on eschatology by M. Ginhoux, agrégé in History
15:45 Conclusion (presentation of the Auvergne Youth Forum website)
16:00 Tea time and informal discussion organized by the Direction des Relations Internationales
17:00 Delegates start to leave
18:00 End of the Forum
The EUROPE DAY YOUTH FORUM ("EDYF Auvergne 2020"), for high school pupils and students from the Auvergne region of central France, was to be held on Wednesday 6th of May 2020 at the INSTITUT D'AUVERGNE-RHÔNE-ALPES DU DÉVELOPPEMENT DES TERRITOIRES in Clermont-Ferrand. It had to be cancelled because of the Covid-19 lockdown, but all the day's speakers agreed to record their talks on video.