Monday, 9 March 2020

The day's programme (CANCELLED because of Covid-19!)

08:00 The IADT opens
08:30 Delegates and members of the public start to arrive, coffee/juice (video talks)
09:00 Welcome address by Professor Rieutort, Director of the IADT in the lecture hall
09:05 The Forum moderator welcomes the delegates and presents the experts
09:15 Talk on eco-citizenship in high schools by Professor Rieutort
09:30 The delegates from Puy-de-Dôme give their talks
10:30 Break
10:45 Talk on water management by M. Nettleship, ecologist at the Ministère
11:00 The delegates from Haute-Loire give their talks
12:00 Picnic and informal discussion with students and professors in the Jardin Lecoq
13:00 Talk on international solidarity by M. Ha Duong, ecologist
13:15 The delegates from the Cantal give their talks
14:15 Talk on alternative-living communities by Mrs Sciuto, development worker
14:30 The delegates from the Allier give their talks
15:30 Talk on eschatology by M. Ginhoux, agrégé in History
15:45 Conclusion (presentation of the Auvergne Youth Forum website)
16:00 Tea time and informal discussion organized by the Direction des Relations Internationales
17:00 Delegates start to leave
18:00 End of the Forum